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Edith Moore log cabin under construction


History of Houston Audubon

On September 24, 1969, Houston Audubon was formed by a dedicated group of eighteen men and women who saw the need for environmental education for youth and environmental advocacy for wildlife habitat.

Houston Audubon Founding Members

In Their Own Words

Houston Audubon Through the Years

The Houston Audubon History Project consists of videos, transcripts, clips, articles and lists of people who were instrumental in the development of the organization, their stories, and the stories they remember about the people who came before them.

We're incredibly grateful to Jim Winn and Julie Gold for their dedication to telling the inspiring story of Houston Audubon's history! Their tireless efforts went above and beyond – from in-depth research and article compilation to collecting photos and conducting interviews with key figures. They've brought the past to life, highlighting the remarkable people who shaped Houston Audubon's journey.