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Blackburnian Warbler


Tour Partnerships

Houston Audubon is partnering with professional birding tour companies to offer leisure birding trips. The trips are designed to be about one week long at one or two locations. The birding would be relaxed, with an emphasis on seeing birds that are common and mostly easy to find and will not include early morning starts or strenuous hikes to see the birds. The goal on these trips is not to find as many birds as possible, but to provide trips for either new or less intense birders and younger or still employed birders, who cannot take extended or very expensive trips.

The birding tour companies will provide all the logistical and administrative operations as well as the guides. This provides the participants with high-quality professional bird guides and support to make these trips both rewarding and enjoyable. The companies donate a portion of the tour fee to Houston Audubon.

  • January 18-23, 2025
    This tour focuses on two key areas on Jamaica. The Blue Mountains and the coastal lowlands around San-San and Port Antonio. This tour is intentionally easy-no long drives or super early starts and you will bird at a relaxed pace.

  • March 20-27, 2025
    Experience Mayan ruins and exceptional birding at a relaxed pace in Belize’s tropical forest, pine-savannah, and lagoons—the perfect introduction to Neotropical exploration.