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Activities for All Ages

Purple Martin Migration

Purple Martin Watch Parties

From July to September, Houston's Purple Martins spend most of the day feeding on flying insects to build energy for their long journey across the Gulf of Mexico. At dusk, they form large flocks and roost together in preparation for migration. Bring your family and friends and experience the spectacle!

September 8, 2024 Update: Our watch parties have concluded for the year, but Purple Martins continue to prepare for migration. The first Purple Martins will return to our area sometime in January-February. We'll have news next summer about the 2025 watch parties.

More Information

Traditional Locations of Large Martin Roosts

Peak numbers for Purple Martins occur in July and August when Purple Martins form large flocks and roost together in great numbers in preparation to migration. Some roosts may have thousands of birds. When the birds arrive to roost in the evening, it can be an amazing spectacle with the sky literally black with martins! If you know of a large roost, please contact us at We have prepared an informational flyer about communal roosts, suitable for display. Join us in helping to protect Purple Martins!

Radar Sightings

Purple Martin flight patterns are sometimes visible on weather surveillance radar. The patterns can resemble rings which are particularly dense as they disperse to forage in the early morning.
