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Common Nighthawk

Newsroom Archive 5

New Report About Coastal Spine

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has issued the COASTAL TEXAS PROTECTION AND RESTORATION FEASIBILITY STUDY: DRAFT INTEGRATED FEASIBILITY REPORT and ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (Coastal Texas Study DIFR-EIS). The Coastal Texas Study has been commonly referred to as the Coastal Spine or Ike Dike.

The proposed plan will have significant effects to Galveston Bay and a direct impact on Houston Audubon properties, and Houston Audubon will be developing and providing comments when we have reviewed the draft report in full. You may read the report and associated materials at the links below. The public comment period ends January 9.

We will share more soon, and we invite you to stay informed about this important development.

Houston Audubon advocacy position

Report and Appendices

Federal Register Notice