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Common Nighthawk

Newsroom Archive 3

Register for Birdathon Today

Birdathon is a team-birding fundraising event that started back in 1981 and continues to grow each year. Teams are typically made of (4) participants. Teams compete to count as many bird species as possible in a 24-hour period and raise money much like a marathon. Birdathon includes a spring kick-off party and concludes with an awards celebration.

We are really looking to grow Birdathon this year and hoping to get new teams involved. We would love for you to get together with 3 or more of your friends and join Birdathon as a team and go birding together. It is so much fun, and I know you will love it!

All that is required is to go to the Birdathon website and sign up as a team, pick a day to all go birding together, and report how many different bird species you identified in your consecutive 24 hours of birding.

Fundraising is not required, but if you are interested in helping to raise money for Houston Audubon, you can ask friends and family to donate to your team (like a marathon) and be eligible to win prizes for most money raised or most birds identified.

Birdathon logo

Important Dates to Remember:
March 11
Kick-off Workshop
Edith Moore cabin @ 2-5pm

March 23
Birding Begins

May 14
Birding Ends

May 20
Birdathon Celebration
Edith Moore cabin @ 3-5 pm

Birdathon images