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Common Nighthawk

Newsroom Archive 2

Lights Out Galveston Workshop

Members of the Galveston community gathered for a half-day workshop to learn more about the devastating bird deaths that occurred on May 4, 2017. Participants left with a deeper understanding of bird collisions as well as specific actions available to prevent these types of deaths from occurring again.

American National and Houston Audubon hosted the event on Friday, August 4, with local partners including Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council, Galveston Audubon Group, Galveston Bay Injured Birds Response Team, and the Galveston Police Department.

Dr. Richard Gibbons, Houston Audubon’s Director of Conservation, provided an introductory presentation about migration along the Upper Texas Coast. Dr. Daniel Klem, Sarkis Acopian Professor of Ornithology at Muhlenberg College, offered a keynote address integrating his research of 40+ years on bird collisions. Participants spent time following the presentations discussing ways that the Galveston community can limit threats from collisions.

In addition to offering this event for community leaders that focused on migration and bird collisions, Houston Audubon has launched an Action Alert System, where people can sign up to receive reminders about “Lights Out” and other methods to limit threats to birds.

Thank you to American National for true generosity and commitment to wildlife. Thank you also to all of our partners for turning a distressing event this spring into an educational and action-oriented opportunity.

Photos from the event taken by Joseph Smith.

Article from the Galveston County newspaper The Daily News.